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Large Colleges versus Small Co


             Large Colleges versus Small Colleges.
             When choosing a college, one should take many aspects into consideration. Consider such things as location, majors and minors offered, campus size, sporting events, and student population. The most important feature is the size of the school and student population. Although there are some superior advantages about going to a larger college or university, attending a smaller school definitely has more.
             One of the things that attracts students to a smaller college is the student to teacher ratio. The smaller student population at an institution allows for smaller class size. This in turn gives a more personal atmosphere to the classroom environment. The size factor of a school also gives a chance for the student and teacher to become more acquainted with one another, making the students more comfortable with asking the professors for one-on-one assistance outside of the classroom.
             One of the major disadvantages of a larger school is the larger student population, and not being able to recognize most of the people that you pass while attending the particular school. Moving off to a college is hard enough itself, and being there with a great number of people that you do not know does not make one feel very comfortable. However, at a smaller college, where the student population is greatly reduced, you have a chance to know a majority of the people that attend that particular school. It also gives you a greater chance of being a class leader, or of holding a class office in the school.
             Campus size is also another important factor in searching for a college. A smaller campus allows for easier transportation, and one is able to walk to wherever they may need to venture. Seeing some of the larger colleges or universities can be extremely intimidating to a young freshman launching straight from a small town high school. Smaller campuses are much easier to find your way around, not to mention a lot less of a physical strain when going from place to place on campus.

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