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            Have you ever been through hell on earth? Had people stare at you all because of 3 little letters? Had family after family reject you because of one small problem? Did you know more than 8,000 people die a day because of what I have? Did you know that only because of a young hemophiliac boy did the government do anything? Did you know that at the end of 2003 more then 5 million people died? All because of one little virus one little virus that turns into a syndrome that turns into death, one small word can make a difference in a person's life. For over 40 million people are affected with this and around 30 million deaths. It is a disease known as AIDS and it is affecting the world.
             AIDS is short for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. It is caused by the immune system weakening because of the affects of HIV or human immunodeficiency virus. HIV affects the T cells or CD4 cells destroying the defense against illness. It can cause a range of other diseases and/or cancers. You can contract HIV through exchange of certain fluids, injected drug use, by birth to an infected mother, or sharing needles with someone who has HIV/AIDS. If you catch HIV there is not a 100% chance of contracting AIDS. There not too many ways to prevent HIV but abstinence is best. If you are infected with HIV there are certain combinations of drugs that can delay the start of AIDS.
             Many people have caught HIV/AIDS one of the most famous being Ryan White, an teenage boy who fought for his rights to return to school after discovering he had contracted HIV through a blood transfusion. He began to wake up politics to the realization that HIV/AIDS was not just a "gay" disease and it something that needed to be taken seriously. He began bit by bit to change people's minds. He even put out a life-changing article in "Time". He was the first person to convince the president to start a fund to find a cure for AIDS. He began the AIDS movement.

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