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             Munchausen syndrome by proxy is a psychological disorder in which a perpetrator inflicts harm to a child secretly to make the child exhibit medical problems. The perpetrator is primarily the biological mother who seeks attention by having a sick child. They are enchanted by the attention from the nurses, doctors, media, and loved ones. They often have unexplained medical problems of their own. These perpetrators have similar characteristics that contribute to the motivation to act out in this way. It is a complex syndrome to detect simply because many nurses and doctors are personally close to the perpetrator, a doctor mentality of curing a mysterious illness, and the denial and guilt if true, of participating in the abuse. .
             Munchausen 3.
             This paper will discuss the history of Munchausen syndrome by proxy, what the abuse is, the characteristics of the perpetrator, common ailments of victims, dilemmas of doctors and nurses, and if there is treatment for the perpetrator. The perpetrator is primarily the biological mother who seeks attention by having a sick child. They are enchanted by the attention from the nurses, doctors, media, and loved ones. They often have unexplained medical problems of their own. These perpetrators have similar characteristics that contribute to the motivation to act out in this way. .
             History of Munchausen Syndrome.
             Munchausen syndrome by proxy was diagnosed in 1977 by a British pediatrician (Prentice, 2001). It is related to the Munchausen syndrome disorder that was diagnosed in the 1950's after a legendary German man, Karl Fredrich von Munchausen who was widely know to telling hugely exaggerated stories (Prentice, 2001). Munchausen syndrome is when a person makes up or induces health problems for themselves to gain attention and sympathy (Prentive, 2001). The term "by proxy" is almost always when a biological or adopted mother fabricates and induces symptoms that are life threatening (Prentice, 2001).

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