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             While reading "Piano", it reminds me of my childhood. Lawrence uses the poetic elements imagery, allusion, and symbol to develop the theme of bittersweet remembrance in his 1918 poem "Piano".
             In this poem the writer wants the reader to picture what his life was like as a child. Lawrence's childhood in this poem is described as happy, but sad.
             As the woman is softly singing, she is taking Lawrence back down memory lane. To a time in his life that is filled with happiness and joy. In Line: 2, "Taking me back down the vista of years, till I see", tells me as a reader that Lawrence is thinking of his childhood and his mother. Lawrence gives me the imagery of a small child sitting under a piano, enjoying the singing. Lawrence imagines himself as being that child, describing the woman smiling. It is a time in Lawrence's life that he wants to remain in forever. .
             As he continues to listen to the woman playing the piano, he allows himself to go back to his younger years. Only to cause himself heart aches. Lawrence is thinking of Sunday evenings at home and it being winter.
             Listening to hymns in a cozy pallor and how the piano is his guide. These are only allusions for they are in the past. But for a moment they are real. Lawrence is in a pleasant atmosphere, where he feels safe and warm. .
             When the singer bursts out, it caused him to come back to reality, making him realize that he had lost his childhood, never to be able to go back to those days. In Lines: 10, 11, and 12, "The glamour of childish days upon me, my manhood is cast, down in the flood of remembrance, I weep like a child for the past". Lawrence's shows the symbol in these lines, because they represent something else. One is childhood and the other is adulthood. These words show me as a reader that being a child you want to hurry up and become an adult. Once you become that adult you wish for your childhood back again. Only to be disappointed that it is not that easy to go back to being a child.

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