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             Opening Statement building on areas of agreement:.
             Picture this: You are walking down the hall on campus at your college or university. You pass by a row of tables and seated at the tables are a bunch of people wearing bright colored jerseys laughing and having a great time. You think to yourself man I would love to join one of those organizations but you are simply too scared. After all you have seen the movies, heard the rumors, and watched the news. Everyone knows what you have to do to get into one of those groups. There is no way that you are going to even think about it anymore, no is going to haze you or think that they are better than you. Besides you have friends already anyway. .
             Statement of purpose:.
             I am here today to talk to you about hazing especially in Greek organizations. As Webster states it hazing is: To persecute or harass with meaningless, difficult, or humiliating tasks or To initiate, as into a college fraternity, by exacting humiliating performances from or playing rough practical jokes upon. Many people associate the word with bad. Hazing is not all bad; there are many different forms that are completely harmless. It is said that there are many organizations that have more unity and respect because of it. .
             Credibility statement:.
             Having done plenty of research and being part of a sorority has helped me to understand the meaning of hazing and to notice that it's not all bad.
             Transition: .
             You may think that hazing is a form of brainwashing.
             I. The fact is that there are not scientists in a lab hooking you up to machines and re-programming your brain. .
             a. When you enter an organization there are certain rules and regulations to be followed. There are certain traditions and rituals that have been in place for many years. .
             b. In order to keep secret these rituals people tend to use a form of hazing. This is to make sure that the new members realize how important the information is to the members.

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