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Robert Rauschenberg


             Robert Rauschenberg was one of the artists that mainly defined the technical and philosophic art landscape and its offshoots after Abstract Expressionism. This form of art that he and many other artists started was Pop Art. Robert Rauschenberg would combine silk-screening and photographic printing techniques, in his pieces of art works that was exciting by portraying everyday objects into his work. .
             Robert Rauschenberg was born in the year of 1925 at Port Arthur, Texas. When growing up he wanted to become a minister, but gave it up because the church forbid music and dancing, and he loved to dance. In 1942 he ended up studying pharmacy at the University of Texas. Between the years of 1942 and 1944 he was drafted, and served in the U.S. Marine Core. He was honorably discharged after his term was up in 1945. Robert Rauschenberg studied many different subjects such as, sculpture, art history, and music between the years of 1947 and 1948. He studied at the Art Institute of Kansas City. In 1948 he would meet his future wife, Susan Weil at the Academie Julian, Paris.
             In 1949 both Robert and Susan returned to the USA to study under Joseph Albers at Black Mountain Collage, in North Carolina. When Robert was studying there he meet two very influential people of the time, a choreographer Merce Cunningham, and a composer by the name of John Cage. Also at the same time Robert Rauschenberg moved to New York and studied at the Art Student's League around the year of 1952. Meanwhile during these years Robert was busy doing widows displays for Bonwit Teller and Tiffany, he also had his first one-man exhibitions in 1952 and returned to Black Mountain Collage. Robert Rauchenberg went to many places in Europe, such as Italy, France, and Spain. Robert had exhibitions at Florence and Rome in 1953. When he came back to the states Robert Rauchenberg moved in to a studio in New York. Robert Rauchenberg started to intensify his work for the Merce Cunningham Dance Company in the years of 1954-65.

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