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Getulio Vargas


            Getulio Vargas was a man with an extensive background in politics. He had moved though the rankings of the brazilian government quite swiftly. Vargas had the unique ability .
             to move in different directions simotaneously. This made it hard for people to see what .
             Vargas was accually up to. Also Vargas's ability to make the right friends in the right .
             places contributed to his success greatly. From my reading Vargas's image is definately a positive one. He was well liked by the public as well as many of the politicians. Vargas supported all classes, especially the lower/ labor class. Vargas was not a military man but rather a civilian although he was supported by the military too. Vargas almost always tried to avoid conflict and settle disputes with little bloodshed. This is probably one of the reasons .
             why people realeted to him well.
             I think that the Vargas victory was amazing. Vargas and the liberal alliance managed to overthrow the government without hardly any conflict. In just about every other country in history when a resistance overthrew or even attempted to overthrow the government it resulted in long conflicts and tremendous bloodshed. What strikes me even more is that Vargas (the leader of the liberal alliance) was undecided or a least portrayed himself as undecided as to .
             whose side he was on. President Washington didnt even know what was going on practically the whole time. The revolution was so quietly conspired its amazing.
             In his textbook, Skidmore portrayed Vargas as a manipulator and that the revolution resulted as a result of his manipulations. Skidmore had a negative perspective towards Vargas and the revolution. From reading the chapters in your book its obvious that you have a completely different view on this topic. The way I understood, the revolution occured as a .
             result of a fradulent election. Louis Prestes won unfairly and the leaders of the liberal alliance felt that they had take action to restore a fair government.

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