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Earthquakes And Recreation


             At first glance earthquakes and recreation may seem to.
             have no common ground but if you look around you will see.
             they have a lot in common. Before we get into what they do.
             have in common, it is important that we understand what they.
             are separately.
             So what is recreation? To put it simply recreation is.
             what people do during their free time. Through the.
             participation in recreational activities people are trying.
             to achieve a state of leisure. Leisure is recognized as a.
             state of being which is characterized by an individual's.
             perceived freedom, intrinsic motivation and feeling of.
             pleasure. The experience achieved is related to the.
             maintenance of health as well as to the development of.
             individual potential. So what that is saying is by using.
             recreation we are improving our mental and/or our physical.
             well-being. Some of these benefits include reduction of.
             stress, development and maintenance of social relationships,.
             and the development and maintenance of physical fitness.
             People may use many different types of activities to achieve.
             these results(1). They can range from watching TV to.
             mountain climbing to anything you enjoy. Now that we have a.
             understanding of recreation lets look at earthquakes.
             Earthquakes are the sudden release of energy at a.
             specific point known as a epicenter. This point is always.
             found on what is known as a fault line. These fault lines.
             are caused the movement of the continental plates. This.
             movement is known as plate tectonics which is caused by the.
             underlying magma that they are floating on. While.
             earthquakes are common on fault lines, they are not the only.
             natural phenomenon that may occur here. Other things that.
             are common to find in these areas are volcanoes and.
             mountains. All of these things are caused by the movement.
             and collision of the Earth's plates in these areas. So now.
             what is the connection between earthquakes and recreation?.
             The first thing that may come to most peoples mind is.
             the Loma Prieta or World Series earthquake.

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