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             "Life is not just breathing; it is action, the functioning or organs, senses, faculties, every part of us that give consciousness of existence. The man who gets most out of life is not the one who has lived longest, but the one who has felt life most deeply." (P 15).
             Rousseau believes that to raise a child it is best to raise them naturally verse socially. He believes that naturally means to be taught by a tutor with no other interaction with people and society. He wants his student "Emile" to learn with his tutor the ways of life in different ways that we are used to. Emile was taught about words and one language, but not how to read in his early years. He was also taught to think for himself and to learn on his own. He would learn by experience instead of just being told. Rousseau would let Emile figure things out for himself. Rousseau said that he would get a greater understanding of what he happens to be learning. .
             During boyhood, which is until the age of twelve he learned about property, how to respect other people's belongs and how to use his senses in the right way. Rousseau did not believe that a child this young was able to learn history because they were just facts and they couldn't comprehend it; the same with geometry and fables. Emile needed to grasp knowledge first before he learned about facts or at least that is what Rousseau believed. By teaching this way Rousseau felt that the individual would live life to the fullest that he possibly could.
             I totally disagree with the way Rousseau taught Emile. I do not believe that you should teach a child all alone and never interact with children or other people. I think it is important for children to interact with each other. They learn the concept of sharing their toys, how to behave around other children and also how to take turns and be patient. These are things that they learn when they are very young. Especially when they are an only child, they don't get that experience at home like children who have brother and sisters.

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