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            As the years go by filled with experiences and decisions, it is expected that one becomes more knowledgeable. Obstacles in their paths are mere speed bumps as they challenge their minds to suppress them. Throughout my college life, I have seen myself become keener with what I desire to do with my life, to become a doctor. .
             As a child, I remember playing "Doctor" games with friends. I explicitly remember an incident where a friend of mine hurt herself with a broken piece of glass. Since she was crying in agony, I knew I had to take matters into my own hands. I took out the first aid kit and I pried the glass out of her foot and bandaged the wound. Her gratitude gave me so much fulfillment that it was then that I realized I wanted to be a doctor. I know it takes a lot of effort, dedication, time, and stress to go through the process of becoming a doctor. Even though these factors will weigh heavy on me, the wisdom and understanding that I obtain will give me the strength to fulfill this dream of mine. .
             Even to this day, I strongly believe in helping people. Medicine will give me the outlet to just that. In today's multicultural society, I have heard stories about medical malpractices. Some doctors are making their patients pay more money than they have to for procedures not needed. I want doctors to be more educated and informed about the effects of malpractice on patients and their families. The best quality a doctor can hold is leadership. As a leader, I will be able to touch the lives of others and make a difference, not only by taking control of the situation but also by encouraging them to become better people. .
             Medicine has been my life long passion. I will always crave to understand the mysteries of the human body and how science and nature helped to build the framework and masterpiece of life. With the education I receive through out my academic years, I will not find closure, for there will always be something that I desire to know.

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