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Neil Abercrombie


            Neil Abercrombie is a Democratic congressmen, who represents the first district of Honolulu, Hawaii in the House of Representatives. He have been involved in the political circuit since the 1970's. This paper will give a brief Biography of Congressmen Abercrombie as well as a look into what he does for his constituents and how he gets his campaign finances. .
             Congressman Neil Abercrombie was born in Erie County, buffalo New York on June 26, 1938. he graduated from Williamsville High School. Congressman Abercrombie received a B.A. degree in Sociology from Union College in Schenectady, N.Y. He also received a Masters degree in Sociology and a Ph.D. in American Studies from the University of Hawaii.
             Abercrombie began his political career in the Hawaii State House of Representatives in 1974. After two terms in the State House, he was elected to the State Senate in 1978. After serving for eight years in the State Senate, Congressmen Abercrombie was elected, as a Democrat, to the Ninety-ninth Congress in 1986. He was elected to Congress in a special election to fill the open seat caused by the resignation of Representative Cecil Heftel. Abercrombie was unsuccessful in reelection to the One Hundredth congress, but returned in 1990 to the Hundredth second, and has remained their ever since. .
             Congressmen Abercrombie represents his constituents of Honolulu's first district through his service on the Armed Services Committee and on the Tactical Air and Land Forces Subcommittee, as well as the Readiness and Projection Forces Subcommittees. He also serves on the Committee of Resources and its Subcommittee on Fisheries Conservation, Wildlife, and Oceans. Abercrombie's community activities include service on the boards of the Nuuanu YMCA, the Hawaii Special Olympics, the Epilepsy Foundation of America, the Life Foundation/AIDS Foundation of Hawaii and Amnesty International.
             Representative Abercrombie, on average, spends about five hundred thousand on campaign reelection.

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