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            What do you see when you think foreign religions or cults? Rituals, shaved heads, big cloaks, prayer, initiation periods, sacrifice, meditation, higher powers, power from within the mind, Pepsi maybe? Well believe it or not In the creative world of Television advertising, Pepsi is the subject of growing into religious culture. Therefore we can say that drinking Pepsi is like a religion. We've grown up into it and we live by it. And as the add says with its visual slogan we "ask for more." The add's sound, lighting, costume and music is all symbolic of the goodness of Pepsi and this is all done with a touch of humour. And perhaps the main icon of this advertisement is the somewhat indefinable symbol featured on the heads of all the group members in their religious place. So initially, we tell ourselves, oh it's just their religious symbol as the cross is to the catholic religion, but then we are shown that the symbol comes from the top of a Pepsi can. Therefore we can see that Pepsi is valued as the greatest importance to this made up culture. Just as one might tattoo the name of their loved one on their arm, the loved one to those on the ad, is Pepsi. .
             For the target audience the image created is one of cult, ritual and strength through Pepsi. For example, the initiation of the young man tattooing his head, by taking a sip of Pepsi, giving him the strength to smash it onto a Pepsi can, symbolises the initiation into and unity with Pepsi. And in turn he is rewarded by his friends by praise. Associate it with an every day situation. For some consumers who would also be the target audience of the add, ranging from childhood until the rest of their consuming lives, they would go to the shops at an early stage, try Pepsi, presumably be rewarded by its great taste and have it with them in their fridges forever. Just as the tattoo of the top of the Pepsi can stays with the newly initiated religious group member.

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