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The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn


             As many authors do, Mark Twain wrote about his personal feelings and experiences. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn his feelings about slavery are well presented. While reading this book certain feelings constantly arise. One of the most prominent of these emotions is that of sympathy for Jim. It is easy to feel pity for a slave in any novel, but especially what Jim experiences in Huck Finn. Mark Twain shows the horrors of slavery through Jim, but also acquires the reader's sympathy for Jim in different ways. He deserves the reader's sympathy because of the way he is viewed by Huck and society, the dehumanizing effects of Huck's moral dilemma, and his constant humiliation at the hands of Huck.
             Huck seems to have mixed emotions about slavery. He tends to want to fit in with society and agree with slavery, but I think that deep in his heart all along he knew that it was wrong. While on the raft, Huck is able to view Jim as a friend and companion. Yet, when on land, Jim is seen as just a simple slave, not capable of the same feelings that he can feel. This is evident when Huck describes how he himself felt after playing a cruel trick on Jim. "It was fifteen minutes before I could work myself up to go and humble myself to a nigger; but I done it, and I warn't ever sorry for it afterwards, neither. I didn't do him no more mean tricks, and I wouldn't done that one if I'd a knowed it would make him feel that way." (Pg. 84) As I see it Mark Twain notices the people who feel one way about an issue in public, than they do in private. .
             Jim runs away from Miss Watson because he wants to gain his own freedom and then raise enough money to buy his family's freedom. Huck tries to help Jim in his quest, but does so with mixed feelings. Huck doubts his own morality in helping to free a slave. This has a dehumanizing effect on Jim because a twelve year old boy cannot decide whether or not Jim is worthy of his help.

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