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Frederick Douglass Vs. Davey Crockett


             Frederick Douglass was a black American, who was one of the most acclaimed human rights leaders of the 19th century. Known to be one of the most famous slavery abolitionists and also became the first black citizen to hold high rank in the U.S. government. David Crockett also known as Davy; was notorious for his courage and leadership in the war, as an American frontiersman. He too, was a politician and became a legendary figure. How are two men that seem so different in life, liberty and character comparable?.
             The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass and The Narrative of the Life of David Crockett are both their own anecdotes about the events that occurred in their early life, before they became eminent. Crockett was born August 17,1786 in eastern Tennessee. Douglass was born February 7, 1817 in Tuckahoe, Maryland. There is a twenty-one year age difference between them; both lived within the same time period of more than a decade. In comparing the two, it was interesting to find that they had certain similarities. They went through somewhat parallel struggles including the amount of servitude they provided, their family situations, and political rank in the government.
             Douglass became a free man when he ran away to New York on September 3, .
             1838. ".I left my chains, and succeeded in reaching New York without the slightest interruption of any kind."(Douglass, 111). Soon after that, he proceeded to live in New Bedford, Massachusetts with his wife Anna. However, the life he lived before that day, was the life of a slave. He worked on many different plantations and served quite a few men that he referred to as his "master". Slavery robbed him and many other African Americans of their childhood and lives. He met with his mother a few times as a very young boy, until her sick and untimely death, and was also separated from his brothers and sisters. He witnessed and endured a lot of abuse as a slave, and worked many hours of hard labor for next to nothing.

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