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             I am going to write about the country of Jamaica. It is a small island in the Caribbean located south of Cuba and east of Haiti. It is about the same size as the state of Connecticut. Its population is approximately 2,700,000 and the largest city is Kingston with about 937,700 people living there. The government is a constitutional parliamentary democracy with a governor and a prime minister heading the country. The popular religion in the country is Protestant. The literacy rate is approximately 85%, and the unemployment rate is about 16%. .
             The political system is a democracy in Jamaica and the legal system is somewhat corrupt, but not a major problem at this time. The two main political parties in the country are the Jamaica Labor Party and the Peoples National Party. Election time can be very violent between these two parties. The Prime Minister at this time is Percival J. Patterson of the People's Nation Party. This party tends to favor toward a moderate socialism. The Jamaica Labor party favors private enterprise. .
             Free elections take place every four years. The political campaigns are sometimes violent and can be corrupt. There are cabinet members from both parties with a majority leader, much like our own government. The elections are free and people have a say in the process, but sometimes it can be corrupt. It is still a long way from our system. .
             The government is heavily involved in the economy. Both parties have their own ideas of achieving economic development, but both are determined to make it successful. The government has broaden there scope on the economy in the last two decades. They receive much needed capital from countries like U.S., Canada and UK. Their exports total about $1.6 billion a year, while their imports total about $3.1 billion. The government has strived to develop the economy, with some success. The unemployment rate has slowly declined, while the literacy rate has risen.

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