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             In society there are many instances where you are forced .
             to make a choice between two things that mean alot to you. You .
             may have to choose between family and friends, business and family .
             work or play.These are just a few choices that you will be faced .
             with in the everyday world. What you choose would determined .
             you are prioitizing on that paticular day.
             Some of the choices that you have to make could be very.
             easy ones, where as ithers could be very complex. you may not want .
             to make a choice but are being persuaded by an outside force. This.
             happened more than once in the play Macbeth, and here is one example.
             of a quote from lady Macbeth to Macbeth; "art thou afeared to be the.
             same in thine own act and valour as thou desire? Wouldst thou have .
             that which thou esteem'st the ornament of life. and live a coward in thine .
             own esteem, letting I dare not wait upon I would , like the poor cat.
             I' the adage." In this quote Lady Macbeth is trying to convince Macbeth.
             to kill king Duncan so that he may get the throne, Macbeth isn't as keen .
             on the idea as his wife is, however he eventually agrees to go .
             through with it.
             Macbeth chose to kill his own king in the hope that he could.
             further himself in the world at someone slse's expense. His choice.
             tp commit this hannus act is contradicting a statement that he had .
             earlier made to the king himself. " Your highness' part is to receive.
             our duties and out duties are to your throne and state, childrena and.
             servants which do but they should, by doing everything sage toward your .
             love and honour." Macbeth saying these lines stating his loyality shows.
             what a thin line there is between loyality and selfishness.
             The way choices are made is different by every person, however.
             the thoughts in our mind are the same for the majority of the population.
             Every person wants him/herselfsuced in a convining way, so every discussion.
             made will be with the intention of helping themselves or the class, which.

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