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To Kill a Mockingbird

            "You never really understand a person until you.climb into his skin and walk around in it." This passage really made me think, there are many different ways to apply this to our lives and the town of Maycomb. You can look at this from so many different angles, first applying it to Maycomb, second myself, and last high school politics.
             In my opinion Maycomb is a very judgmental little town. They look at people and go "Well they"re related to so and so, so they can't be a nice person," or "they dress so poorly we better not associate with them." Which I think is very wrong, they are judging them on their outside appearance. For example with Mayella, really none of the town liked her, yes I can understand why with all the wrongs she has done, but they are only looking at that. They weren't seeing what life was like at home, they weren't seeing the abuse she went through, she may in the end just be crying for help. We can never really judge a person by what they do or what they look like, you never know what is going on at home, or what they have been through. .
             There are many different ways for me to apply it to my life. Many people may look at me and say "Oh, there's Kylie Peterson, she has never done anything wrong in her life, and she has a perfect life, nothing is wrong with her." Which believe me people have told me this, and I've wanted to look at them and say "What are you on? Of course I make mistakes, I like everyone else have problems at home, they may not be huge, but I still do not get along with my sister at all, and of course I get mad sometimes at my parents, I have the same kind of problems you do." When people tell me h this and how wonderful I am I wonder if they are really seeing me. I can also turn this around when I get frustrated with people. I can put myself in their shoes. For example there is a girl on my volleyball team that I really do not like, she loses her temper very easily and she thinks that she is the queen of the universe, and she thinks that she does nothing wrong.

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