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Chieko Nichieushi

             Chieko Nichieushi was born in Fukuoka, Japan in 1925. She grew up with 2 brothers and one sister, all older. Her mother owned a nice hotel along the coast in Fukuoka. Nichieushi's father owned a large fleet of fishing ships, which is what made their family wealthy.
             Her mother's hotel gave them a suitable amount of money to live on. As time went on, the emperor's son would stay at their hotel frequently on business trips, showing how famous their hotel was.
             Nichieushi and her father's fleet of fishing ships created their families wealthy name. But the Nichieushi's name was not only that. Chieko's father's side of the family was part of the Samurai heritage. That was a very intense clan during the early ages. They had almost absolute power in those days. If someone stared at you wrong, or sneezed near you, boom, you are dead. They had that kind of power back then. Now today that stuff does not happen anymore, the Samurai now would be 2nd class if there were a system of order.
             Chieko went to a private school near her hotel since the age of 12. Around when she was 15, her school had Helen Keller as a visitor at her school. Helen gave a speech to her school and a few students were chosen to meet her. Chieko had that pleasure.
             By the time Chieko was 16, Japan started going to war with America. This did not affect Chieko too much, as to even though Japan going to war, they were still at war with other countries. Japan was still at war with Manchuria, this caused them to also start war with China and Korea. Japan then was looking to take over many countries during the 1930's.
             During 1944, American bombers attacked Japan. Thankfully Chieko's family had their own bomb shelter for such occasions. The Americans would bomb Nagasaki as their main target. The fighter planes would scout ahead of the bomber planes, and see over Nagasaki. If it were too cloudy, the fighter planes would tell the bomber planes to goto an alternate city.

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