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             The word compassion means "sorrow or pity aroused by the suffering or misfortunes of another". An intimidating word that makes us regard those around us questioningly. It is a good quality to have in a person, but can most of us really say we possess it? If all of us were to look inward, would we alight upon the quality of compassion? .
             It saddens me somewhat to say that in our society, preservation of self and personal advancement in position are much more important than "lending a helping hand" to your friend, neighbour or even a stranger! Please do not think that just because I have pointed out this societal flaw that I am any less guilty. I to have walked on past the student who dropped all his or her books or not interfered when an innocent is being harassed by someone who also lacks compassion.
             You may think that these are trivial things that hold no meaning to someone who puts five dollars in the collection plate every Wednesday, but you may be surprised at the number of people who refuse to place even a penny in the collection plate. It is all about taking the time to provide assistance not just because you can, but because someone needs your assistance. What it is not about is giving money to charity and then believing you have done your part. The starving children in some nameless third world country would cherish your contribution, but you will ever remain a stranger to them. Now, I am not saying you should be like Mother Theresa and give up house and home to take care of the sick, although I am very sure they would appreciate it! If each and every one of us took time out of our very busy, and to some very precious, schedule to help out thy neighbour, we would all be better off. Your neighbour will appreciate it and, despite today's flawed but ever evolving society will usually return the favour. Do not even try to deny it! I know each and every one of you enjoys the ever-so-sweet feeling of having someone in your debt.

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