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Film Overview - Empire of the Sun

            This film Empire of the Sun, directed by Steven Spielberg is a story about a boy called Jamie (later Jim) who lives in the lap of luxury in the wealthy suburbs of Shanghai, China. His lifestyle is then pulled apart after the effects of Pearl Harbor when the Japanese decided to bomb the crowded streets of Shanghai. Jamie then has many challenges to face such as his separation from his parents and kin, the hardships faced in the POW camp, and his experience of death all round him. In the final stages of the movie he does overcome the challenges, but at a large personal cost. The director used many camera techniques and film techniques to express things such as: Jim being older, and the PTS that Jim suffers at the final stage of the movie (high angle to make him look weak). In the end, however, Spielberg does a great job in showing how Jamie had changed over the course of the movie, which was his intention right from the start. .
             Jamie, the main character, faces many challenges throughout the course of this film. One of the problems that Jamie had to bear that was the existential crisis that he had. For example, at the start of the movie we can see how Jim basically adores the Japanese say that they had better planes and more courage. Throughout the movie we can see Jamie repeatedly saying things such as "The Japanese will win, they have better fighters and more courage".  This shows us how Jamie by the end of the movie is broken and no longer holds the Japanese in great esteem. It also adds to the emotional, physical and mental threats that Jamie faces throughout the movie. In addition, this problem also fits well with the theme of the movie because it adds another element to contrast how much Jamie has changed, thus fulfilling the director's purpose. .
             Secondly, Jamie, by the conclusion of the movie is able to overcome the existential crisis that he suffers. This was his confusion between how he really is, is he loyal to Basie, the Japanese, or the Americans? Who is he really, should he follow the Basie's lead, his father's lead? These are some of the many questions that Jamie faces.

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