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Eveline by James Joyce

            In my opinion, decisions would be much easier to make if you could look into the future and view what the outcome of your decision will be. The main character, Eveline, has a very important choice to make. The difficult dilemma that she is faced with, is to remain at home with her father like she promised her mother, or leave Dublin with the love of her life, Frank. As much as she wants to leave and begin a new life with Frank, there's still the sorrow of leaving her once perfect family behind. .
             Eveline's problem is that she is holding onto the past when it is now time to face the future. In the story she grasps the two white letters which reveals her incompetence to let go of these relationships, despite her father's abusive behavior and her brother's absence. She's attached to the older and more delightful memories and couldn't imagine breaking her promise to dedicate herself to maintaining their home. She's tired of juggling jobs as a nanny and a store worker to provide and support her and her father. Frank could free her from the hard life that she is living. .
             Eveline was infatuated with Frank; he was a sailor that she was eager to start a live with. He decided that he wanted to marry her and take her to live with him in Buenos Ayres where he had a home waiting for her. Secretly, Eveline agreed to leave with him by the night-boat. Frank could be her lifesaver, he would be her reason to escape and also give her life and love along the way. She believes that she has the right to happiness and a joyful life. Eveline looks back and remembers her mother's sad, uneventful life and knows for a fact that she does not want to end up like her. She strongly embraces her decision to escape the same fate by packing up all her belongings and leaving with her love, Frank. .
             At the end of the story, Eveline makes the choice to stay with her father. I agree with her decision because even if she did go off and live her dream life with Frank, she'd live with so much regret and guilt.

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