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Huck Finn

            Basically, at the two-third point in my novel Huck and Jim have been .
             Twain shows how the characters though .
             extremely different start to form a bound between one another. Even .
             though Huck and Jim are become closer as friends Huck still doesn't see Jim .
             as being human. In one chapter he mentions about how it took him 15 .
             minutes to "humble himself to please a nigger". That statement there shows .
             there is still a barrier separating the two. Huck has even contemplated of .
             freeing himself of the guilt of harboring a runaway slave by reporting Jim to .
             the authorities.
             Huck is also shortly leaves Jim for a while and is placed into the .
             middle of a Feud, when they raft gets hit pretty hard. He becomes very .
             accustomed to his new home but questions the feud entirely to his room .
             mate Buck who was apart of the Grangerford family. Huck isn't there too .
             long though the Shepherdsons eventually come off and kill majority of the .
             family he was staying with so Huck just runs off into the woods where they .
             raft was being stored while being patched up. After that incident Jim and .
             Huck are reunited and are definitely happy to be back together. Huck and .
             Jim shortly pick up two con artist who throw on an act about being Kings and .
             Dukes from Europe. Huck sees right throught but decides not to call the .
             bluff and just let them get it on about being royalty. Jim on the other hand .
             is completely about them being frauds.
             With the help on Huck the King and Duke land in a small town called .
             Parkville. While here the Duke access the printing office and makes money .
             posing as the press worker while the King and Huck go to the camp revival .
             that majority of the town is taking place. Here the King gives us a taste of .
             his con artist style and skill. He cons the poor congregation out of 400 odd .
             dollars after posing to be a saved pirate. After the Dukes work is done .
             they leave for a town in Arkansas so the King and the Duke can put on a play .

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