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Motivating Yourself to Workout

            You will want to work out if you set a specific goal; losing weight, looking sexy, living longer, improving your health and mood. So find your drive, and begin working towards it.
             Don't Look at It as a Punishment.
             When it comes to consistency with exercising, the right attitude must be adopted. Many people join gyms or begin a routine but then quickly drop off because they dread it. Don't tell yourself, "ughhh, I guess I'll workout later if I want to see any improvement."" Instead try, "I can't wait to workout later."" The more negatively you look at exercising, the less appealing it's going to be and the more difficult it will be to keep on track.
             Make it Approachable.
             Instead of keeping one goal in mind, say losing 50 lbs. for example, go for multiple smaller goals. Try something more doable like, losing 3-4 lbs. a month. Reaching these smaller checkpoints will be easier to accomplish and watching yourself exceed will encourage you to stay on track. Many people give up on working out because they sign up for a great gym that is not so convenient to get to. This is especially true for people with busy schedules and those who live in places where winter is harsh. Therefore, instead of going for that fancy gym far away, either find something close by or see if you can exercise at home. Lastly, believe it or not, exercising is supposed to be fun and if your routine isn't fun, swaying away from it would become easier. Exercising doesn't just mean pumping weights at the gym. There are hundreds of other (entertaining) exercises that you can do; find the ones you love and would forward to doing!.
             Fight Through the First Week.
             Most people give up on working out within the first week of their routine. Yes, you are going to feel extremely sore in the beginning, but the pain will subside within the 2nd or 3rd time you will work that muscle. Because you are new to exercising, the excitement of joining a gym (or starting a program) will allow you to lift really heavy weights, but, this is where you will break your body (and your mind).

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