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Narrative Essay - Unconditional Love

            My mom is always telling me that people will never understand what unconditional love is, until you have your own experiences. That's when you understand why love its unconditional. August 16, 2012 an unforgettable day, the most important day of my life. I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. His name is Kain Alexandre Vargas Torres. His weight was .
             6 pounds 8 ounces and 20 inches long. That day was very special for me because I couldn't imagine I was going to give birth. I was 10 days before my due date. That day in the morning I was doing too many things. My boyfriend and I were moving to a new house where we were going to start a new life as a family. It was 8 pm and I was making dinner. We sat down and started talking about how happy we were as a family. I felt a pain in my stomach and I was having trouble breathing. I felt air in my back and cramps, it was a horrible feeling. I asked my boyfriend to take me to the hospital to see that everything was okay with the baby. .
             We arrived to the hospital around 10 pm; I had never felt this worried in my whole life. My eyes were full of water, I couldn't hold my emotions and I started crying and crying. When we were walking to the emergency room; my legs and my whole body started shaking. The nurse gave me a robe to get comfortable while they checked me. I was holding my boyfriend hands the whole time. The first words the nurse said were; " Wow you have 4 centimeters of dilation, and you can not go home, you are having contractions every 4-5 minutes." I wanted to die at that moment. My mind was blank and I was in shock; I couldn't believe that I was having contractions; the baby was going to be in my arms at any moment. The nurse took us to the room where I was going to give birth. .
             While I was walking through the hall I saw a girl screaming desperately "take out the baby, I can't do this." I looked at my boyfriend; he held me and told me that everything was going to be okay, "you can handle this I'm here with you.

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