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Life Without Principle

             Life without Principle by Henry David Thoreau is about his point of view on life and how people spend their lives. He is sought out by many to lecture whether he is experienced on the subject or not. Thoreau sees that we spend our lives in a very busy world. There is never rest or leisure just work, work, work. Throughout this reading he refers to poetry and philosophy in comparison to man kind. For example, in partone he states, "I think that there is nothing, not even crime, more opposed to poetry, to philosophy, and to life it self, than this incessant business." His view says that man does not take the time to relax and view the world as a whole. Thoreau talks a lot about employment and how people should work for the work and not for the money. He says "do not hire a man who does work for money, but him who does it for the love of it." He also talks about the demand which men make on life, and how important the differences .
             between the two are. He says, "that the one is satisfied with a level success, that his marks can all be hit by point blank shots, but the other, however low and unsuccessful his life may be, constantly elevates his aim, though at a .
             very slight angle to the horizon." Thoreau touches on being born free and not living free. He states "Is it freedom to be slave, or is it freedom to be free witch we boast on." In the reading he speaks of getting the attention on men .
             and says "as politics and the daily routine, are, it is true, vital functions of human society, but should be unconsciously performed, like the functions of the physical body. .

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