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            As the sound of tapping grew louder, the thought of exercising was no longer on my mind. I could see, hear, and almost taste the heals of this girl strutting down the sidewalk. As this attracted me closer to stalcking distance, the smell of roses slowly ran from her skin to my attention. The leaves were blowing away as we walked by as if she had control over them. Her arms swung unusually high as her legs had an enormous amount of confidence in each step. I didnt care where we were going, just as long as she took me there. Anything we passed seemed as though it was doing the same thing I was; watching every move. The tree's, the building, even the cars wanted to see. The lighthouse was about a 5 minute walk, but it felt like that was where we started. The sound of people frantickly waiting in line for food was a whisper to my listening. All I could hear were the words coming out of her mouth, "Can I get some of that please." I was hoping she was talking to me, but unfortunately to the person serving the food. I could already see her friends waving for her to come sit down with them. I waited untill my cup was full with sierra mist before I made my move to sit down next to them. I clinched my teeth together, hoping none of them would say anything, exspecially her. I kept trying to listen to some of the conversation, but I could only hear what was coming from her voice. The grill continued to call out names, however, when it got to Katy, it sounded like they said it in slow motion. As she got up to get her food, we made eye contact for a second, then she was gone. As I touched the cold sierra mist, enjoying the taste of pasta, I thought right there that she knew. She knew I was following her, maybe thought I was crazy and wanted to get her phone number. Either way I couldnt say anything. I was in control now. I had control to leave, to talk to her, or even pretend like the only time I remember seeing her was when we made eye contact.

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