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The Effects of Alcohol on Human Lives

            Alcoholism is a harmful consumption that affects the society in all means. Students ascribe their alcoholism to several reasons. The most important one is the age at which they begin to drink. Essentially the earlier they started the worse it would affect their lives. The perspective that they have about their lives also can lead them to drink alcohol. For instance, if they have a pessimistic vision for their future, it will definitely lead them to be alcoholics. Thus, a student with a better developed educational background is less likely to be an alcoholic, than a student with a lesser schooling background. Another area that may be a factor is certain religious factors. A student who prescribes to no evident religion is more likely to be an alcoholic than a religious student. Peer pressure plays a role that pulls youngsters into alcohol. Considering alcohol as a key to be a gregarious student is also another cause. For example, alcohol is similar to smoking in a way that a non-smoking student feels lonely or undesirable, so he or she has to smoke in order to join the group. As a consequence, students found out that there would not be any joyfulness without drinking alcohol in a party.
             Alcohol is a very dangerous type of drug; therefore, it has lots of harmful effects on human life. Alcohol abuse is a pattern of problems that results in health consequences, social problems, or both. The social effects include the effect on families" relations and the effect on friendship. Alcohol has the potential to destroy the basic fabric of family life. Drunken parents normally have unpredictable behaviors; they can change quickly from a calm situation to an aggressive one in a short period of time. Children do not know what to expect from their parents. Both drunken parents use taboo vocabularies in front of their children as a normal subject to talk about. Thus, the house atmosphere becomes insufferable for children, so they can not stay with their parents to acquire some tenderness.

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