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Slavery in federick douglas view

            Slavery is a very bad and horrible thing. It is also a sad situation and a terrible experience to be part of .I think that no person or persons should ever have to be a slave. But, unfortuanly in the past it has happened. In the novel By Frederick Douglas he argues that the lives of women slaves were often more difficult than those of male slaves. I really agree with him. Thought out the book he gives examples of how this was true for women. They were denied their children, they were whipped, and they were used to have more slaves.
             Women slaves were denied their children. The women were separated from their children when they were still very small. "My mother and I were separated when I was but an infant- (2). The women slave suffered from this, she could not care for her young child. Some times the children were kept and other times they were sold. If the children were sold she did not see them again. And this was really devastating for the slave woman not having her children around. If the children were kept the woman slave did not get a chance to see her children all day. "She was with me in the night never having enjoyed, to any considerable extent, her smoothing presence, her tender and watchful care"(2). She was denied a lot of precious time a mother should have had with her child.
             All slaves were whipped at times but, Women slaves had it the worse. Sometimes they were whipped in front of their loved ones. "I have seen him whip a woman in the midst of her crying children, pleading for their mother's release" (11). Some times they were whipped for no apparent reason. "The louder she screamed, the harder he whipped; and where the blood ran fastest, there he whipped longest."(11) The whippings caused a lot of physical damage. Some times even the mistress whipped the slave woman. Other times she even hits them with sticks even causing death. "a young girl between fifteen and sixteen years of age, mangling her person in the most horrible manner, breaking her nose and breastbone with a stick ,so that the poor girl expired in a few hours afterward.

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