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Cloning of any species is ethically and morally wrong

             Imagine that you are walking down the street on a warm, sunny day without a trouble in the world, just enjoying the fresh air after a long day at work. You stroll down the sidewalk window shopping, when suddenly, you bump into another individual. As you help them to their feet, you begin to notice that there is a strange similarity. In fact, this individual looks just like you. This person looks very scared and confused about the world that surrounds them. This individual is an exact replica of you. As the person turns to walk away, you notice a marking of some sort, like a tattoo or brand. It looks like a brand, very similar to the type used to identify cattle. You think to yourself that you are no longer a unique individual. All of your unique traits are oblivious now. You sit down on the sidewalk and wonder if that individual is the only one like you.
             This is one of the things that will become of our future if cloning becomes accepted. Cloning is unethical and morally wrong. Cloning is defined in the American Heritage Dictionary as one or more organisms descended asexually from and genetically identical to a single common ancestor; a replica of a DNA sequence, such as a gene, produced by genetic engineering; or one that closely resembles another in appearance or function. Therefore, cloning is taking away autonomy in our society. Human cloning would signify disrespect for personal autonomy. In forcing a human clone a selected identity bound to a certain individual, it will frame that individual's life and limit that person's autonomy permanently.
             There are three main types of cloning: embryo, adult, and therapeutic. All of these types of cloning are very similar. Embryo cloning is a medical technique which produces monozygotic (identical) twins or triplets. It duplicates the process that nature uses to produce twins or triplets. Twins or triplets are thus formed, with identical DNA.

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