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Music: Impressions of Addiction

             It doesn't take a stretch of imagination to realize music's impact on our lives.
             no doubt it has the power to orchestrate our emotional tone. Music can trigger just about .
             any emotion - it can bring joy to our hearts or sadness in anticipation of pain, loss, or .
             separation. Music sends our boys to war and announces their return in parades and .
             funerals. It brings tears to our eyes even before the couple acknowledges "I do", and it .
             inspires us to lead the charge when our team is behind in the last quarter. It enables us to .
             celebrate life, to sing and to dance, and it centers us peacefully in prayer or meditation. .
             But could you ever anticipate that music can be a major, vital part of one's life such as .
             an addiction?.
             In order to analyze something, we first need to understand what it is we are discussing. .
             The first question seems to be this: What is music? The question, fortunately, is not .
             difficult to answer. Music is the art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a .
             continuous, unified, and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm, .
             and timbre. Then there is addiction. Addiction can be defined as being abnormally .
             dependent on something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming. Let's take a .
             look at a few of people I know personally who appear to find themselves, "addicted to .
             music". .
             First there's Sally who claims her problem started in late June of 1995. Before then .
             she"d been "into" music. But she really wasn't a fan, she would buy albums she liked .
             and the occasional single. Then it happened. "It" was an accidental discovery of Janet .
             Jackson's debut album just sitting in our local Warehouse Records.
             She quite fancied the album she had purchased, listened to it, then fell in love with it. .
             I mean really, truly loved it. Other records had entertained or fascinated her before, but .
             never in quite the way this one did. She said "It managed to get inside of me and not let .

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