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The Most Shocking Day of My Life

            The most shocking day of my life was September 11, 2002. It was a day that will forever be embedded in every American's mind. An attack that wasn't foreseen by anybody fell upon one of the busiest. I was at school when I heard about the event.
             The day was as normal as can be, not a cloud in the sky, a clear September morning. I was in my United States History class. Everybody was laughing and having fun when an announcement came on the public announce system. The announcement stated that there had been some sort of terrorist attack on New York City and that the country was in High Terror Alert. Not many of us understood what this meant or how serious the attack was. We begged and begged the teacher to let us watch the news to see what was going on, but he claimed we could not watch it as he was instructed not to turn on the television. I figure this was done to prevent causing a panic in everyone. So we went back to our work, with this announcement racing through my mind, trying to figure out what had gone down.
             After class, we went to lunch where I met up with some of my friends. A few of them knew a little more about what was going on. I guess their teacher let them watch the news. I think they were still a little confused as to what really happened because all they knew was that a plane had crashed somewhere in New York City and that it was a terrorist attack. What I would learn later on was even more shocking.
             When I came home from school, I went right to the television and couldn't help but turn it to a channel about the attack. I was totally shocked at what I saw next. They were showing replay after replay of the plane crash. It flew right into the upper level of the World Trade Center, and it was supposedly the second plane that had flown into the building in a half an hour. Subsequently the Twin Towers collapsed under all the pressure. Many lives had been lost and thousands more were injured.

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