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Cheerleading vs sports

             Well, thanks to Title IX, it allows women and girls to compete and achieve their dreams in a sport along with men (Tanner 403). It also puts down a law for discrimination of schools against female programs, so guys step aside because it's our time for us women to shine (Education 1)! I mean, cheerleaders flip around on grass fields, they have to memorize dance routines, put up other girls in a stunt, and communicate without talking. They stretch their bodies in ways that should not be possible (Botta 1)! Now do not tell me cheerleading is not a sport, because I am not finished yet!.
             Many people, however, criticize cheerleaders. Patricia Babcock McGraw used to be a basketball player. She got an injury on the floor when an opponent's teeth hit her forehead while fighting for a rebound. The opponent chipped two teeth. "What would cheerleaders know about injuries like that? What would they know about blood, sweat, and tears and being a "real" athlete?" (McGraw 1) Yeah, she's right! Cheerleaders are just so perfect that they never get knocked out if a stunt drops, or sweat! Must be a magical deodorant Patricia and her teammates would roll their eyes and wonder what big injury they needed fixed whenever a cheerleader would step foot in a training room, where the hurt were cared for. That room was made for "real" athletes who needed bandages for bloody knees or elbows, ice, or massages for sore backs or ankles (McGraw 1). I suppose cheerleaders know when an accident was about to happen and avoided it, therefore never attempting to risk getting a scratch. Like I said, they are perfect! According to some people, like that of Patricia, they see cheerleaders as non-athletic, non-caring individuals towards sports. All they cared about was waving their pom-poms, having the best hair, and impressing the boys (McGraw 1). So, I guess cheerleaders do not pay attention at games, just focus on the boys.

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