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Obsession in Enduring Love-Nature

             Enduring Love-Nature of obsession.
             In chapters 1-16 in the novel "Enduring love" by Ian McEwan, the nature of obsession is brought about many times in many different cases. We see this particular subject throughout the novel in very mild cases and very extreme cases. These obsessions range from Clarissa's obsession with Keats the poet to Jed Parry's obsession with Joe Rose. The first we would consider a healthy obsession but the latter an extremely unhealthy obsession.
             Many of the obsessions I think link in one way or another. In chapter one we hear about Keats the poet for the first time. Clarissa has been hunting for some missing letters by him. Indeed letters feature frequently in the novel. Ironically Jed pesters Joe with unwanted letters later on in the novel. Another link that Keats has with Joe's situation is that Keats is in love with a woman called Fanny Brawne but was doomed never to marry her, rather like Parry and his hopeless love with Joe.
             From the start of the novel I think that it is evident that Joe almost has an obsession with himself. The way the novel is written, from Joe's point of view, him been the main narrator, gives us a huge indication of the sort of man Joe is an the way he sees himself and others around him. We get many over the top descriptions of how Joe goes about things, its almost as if he sees himself as a "super hero" figure. We see this in chapter 5 when Joe thinks he sees Jed's trainers in the library and describes how he run's after Jed in an extremely dramatic manner "I took the broad red-carpeted stairs two at a time, swung myself round a newel post round the half landing - We see this again later on in the book when he tries to tell the story from Clarissa's point of view and describes the way he thinks she sees him. To us the reader it's as if Joe is full of himself. Not only this but in the early stages of the novel we can see that Joe is obsessed by science.

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