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With detailed reference to the text discuss Shakespeare pres

            In Act 1 of Othello, Shakespeare uses different techniques to present Iago to us; from these we are able to see "honest Iago- and his true personality.
             Iago has many reasons for acting the way he does, his reasons may not be right or logical but he believes in them so strongly that he is willing to kill and destroy peoples lives in the process of completing them. His entire motives stem from one thing, jealousy, all of Iago's motives are due to this single feeling. His revenge comes from wanting to avenge the people he is jealous of. He seems to elaborate on these initial ideas until he things that every body has slept with his wife, for this he wants further revenge. In his quest for revenge he uses Roderigo for money and the strangest reason of all, he seems to enjoy what he is doing.
             During the play Iago uses carefully thought out word and actions, which enable him to manipulate others and do things in a way which benefit him and move closer towards his goals. An example of this is at the start of the play, where we see the manipulative, cheating and lying side of Iago. The reason for this is financial gain, from Roderigo. Roderigo loves Desdemona and Iago knows that he would do anything for her. Iago has cheated on his so called friend by taking Roderigo's money and keeping it for himself, instead of giving it to Desdemona like promised. .
             "Tush never tell me! I take it much unkindly,.
             That thou Iago, who has had my purse,.
             As if the strings were thine, ".
             This shows Iago's manipulative powers, and also shows that he is smarter than expected because he has tricked Roderigo into thinking they are friends and into giving him Roderigo's money. Iago is shown to be very selfish, because has doesn't care about anyone else's feelings but himself. .
             Iago is also two-faced, this is because he changes when he is in different environments. When he is with Othello he acts very friendly and honestly but when he is not with him he is scheming and becomes mad with jealously and is intent on planning ways of confusing him as well.

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