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Power of Forgivness

             The power of forgiveness means that you can forgive and forget anything that a person does, that is wrong. No matter what it is, or how bad it is, everyone makes mistakes, some of their mistakes are just small and ineffective to others. Some mistakes are huge, and very wrong, and they can even destroy your life, at school, and at home. They can even go as far as to give you a bad name, and label you for the remainder of your life. Everyone needs to forgive people for their mistakes. Holding a grudge can destroy your friendship with any person. It also makes people feel like they can never change what has been done. Sometimes it is hard to forgive people for the ignorant things they've did in life; but you need to learn that everyone makes mistakes at least once throughout their lives. Take me for instance; I've made a lot of mistakes so far and my life is just now starting to begin. I have been forgiven for everyone of them. Except, maybe for the one that happened a couple of weeks ago. And I"m sure you all know what that mistake was. It was by far the most stupid mistake a person can make. And I was very stupid for making that mistake. I"m sure some of you are still upset about what we have done. I mean what we did was so wrong. But we have learned to accept it, because we can't go back and change what we did. I wouldn't dare make the same mistake ever again, for the rest of my life. Some people can not even tolerate us anymore. I know what I did was wrong; but can you please have the power and ability to forgive me for what I have done?.

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