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             " The Mongolian Empire".
             The Mongolian warrior Genghis Khan (1162-1227), also known as Jenghiz Khan .
             was said to have conquered over two-thirds of the known world in his lifetime. He was .
             renowned as a brilliant strategist, employing methods of warfare that were decades before .
             his time. He had a mobile cavalry, coordinated fighting style, and respect for his .
             subordinates, the Mongolian horde.
             Temu-jin of Mongolia, best known by others as Genghis Khan, meaning .
             "Universal ruler" or "emperor of all emperors" is said to have created one of the greatest .
             empires spanning from China to the Adriatic Sea. Temu-jin was the son of Kiyat- .
             Borijiad chieftan who was assassinated when Temu-jin was a young man. Most of the .
             followers of Genghis Khans father felt he was to young of a boy to protect them, so the .
             tribe went and sought a more powerful lord leaving Genghis Khan and his family to fend .
             for themselves. For about ten years they lived off the land eating roots, berries and small .
             animals such as mice. During these years it taught Genghis Khan to not be foolishly .
             adventurous and brave giving him the shrewd, steady and practical personality that will .
             be reflected in his return to unite the Mongols in his conquests. Years later in 1206 he .
             would accept the rule of leader of the Kiyat tribes in an attempt to reunite his people. .
             The many hardships he endured in his youth would embolden him and give him courage .
             to face the battles that lay ahead.
             Starting from nowhere Genghis Khan he had to improve his station in life, he .
             sought the help of a friend of his fathers Togrul- Khan of the Keraits. Genghis Khan used .
             a coat of black sable as a gift to Togrul-Khan in exchange for his promise of reuniting his .
             Fathers" followers. "As a descendent of royal blood, he considered himself an aristocrat .
             of the Steppes, he was the father of three valiant warriors, Kasar, belaulei and jelme but .
             he wanted more"(Janic).

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