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Nerds unpopular

             Paul Graham, author of "Why Nerds are Unpopular," feels that high school students are unhappy because of the problems that we take for granted. These problems aren't impossible to solve after all. Graham states that one reason "nerds" are unpopular is because nerds would rather study than to take the time to be popular. Nerds just don't have enough time in their day to attempt to be popular. Popularity would take too much time out of a nerd's day that they would rather just study and be smart. Graham affirms that nerds get picked on because the other kids want to make themselves more popular. Teenagers are now just useless to adults. In previous days they would work for adults now they just sit in school. Graham asserts that much of the teenage depression is caused by adults themselves because adults look the other way to the actual problems that the nerds face. The whole problem in high schools that nerds face is the popularity hierarchy. Nerds aren't the only kids that suffer in high school. The other kids that suffer in school are labeled as "freaks." Finally he states that even though nerds suffer in high school they will be fine in the years after because the "real world" is very hospital to nerds.
             While discussing the unpopularity of nerds Graham raises the question, "Why don't smart kids make themselves popular?" Graham asserts that one reason is that nerds don't really want to make themselves popular. The reason they don't want to be popular is because you can't just be popular in your spare time. Nerds have other things that draw their attention. Graham states that, "Their attention is drawn to books, or the natural world, not fashions and parties." Nerds would like to be popular but they want even more to be smart. For a student of higher intelligence average intelligence is unacceptable so they won't sacrifice a few grade points for a few popularity points.
             Popularity takes too much time and practice that nerds just don't have enough time in their day to be popular.

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