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             You are about to read the most incredible and unbelievable story of all times. I am a reporter for all most 28 years and I have never heard such a surprising, unusual and unique story of a true blue Englishmen.
             I will present you the life of a man named Robinson Crusoe. He spent more then half of his life on a deserted island, and after all he came back, full of hope and willing to share his experiences on the island. He decided to continue his life starting actually a new one, a normal one surrounded by people and doing ordinary things. .
             While standing on the island he changed radically becoming a **lulu** person. Imagine a human on a lonely island surrounded by wilderness. Being alone he started talking to himself, making conversation with everything around: trees, flowers, God. He was not confined in any way. .
             Notwithstanding that he was alone on the island, he was talking all day long. He managed to survive by eating insects, grass, fish and worms. Because he was a man he didn't know how to cook his food so he ate it the way he found it.
             His body suffered a wild transformation, becoming hairy person with long nails. Because he had no shoes his feet became stronger. He turned into an animal by learning their habits. His animal instinct that grew inside him made him survive. He felt like being the king of the island. .
             Despite the fact that he was a little crazy he was smart. With the animals found on the island he made his own farm. .
             After many adventures and wild experiences he was found and taken back home. This is just the sum up of the story. You will find out more detail in the next number of the paper.

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