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Accounting and Ethics

             Purpose: This analytical report is a required assignment in Kimmerly Brady's Business 205.
             course. Due to time constraints the primary data (survey) required for the report were .
             gathered in a limited fashion. A survey was developed, an a procedure was considered; .
             however, the responses are the results of only ten collected surveys. The responses are only .
             included to demostrate a n understanding of primary data usage. .
             The purpose of this report is to convey the message that ethics are the foundation of the accounting profession. In order to maintain discipline & order in the professional realm, rules of ethics are not satisfactory enough to ensure the integrity of Accountants. Education and training in ethical matters should be mandatory for Accountants; evaluation and monitoring of their adherence to these rules is climacteric for maintaining standards. Ethical codes of conduct and compliance of these codes should be required in today's accounting firms for honorability to exist. .
             CPA's are licensed practitioners, who as Accountants express .
             opinions about financial statements. The globalization of business .
             operations and technological advances have radically changed how .
             accountants work. New ethical issues have been raised by this.
             confluence of changes in the changing environment of technology. .
             (Maury, 2000, pg.117).
             Today's business students have gorwn up in a osciety wehre decisions between right and wrong have become blureed and wehre unethical behovior .
             Colleges- "Today's business students have grown up in a society where decisions between right and wrong have become blurred and where unethical behavior is observed and even expected in .

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