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             Although, others may disagree in the matter of the importance of friendship may have on someone's life. .
             Notice that when we make friends with people that often we don't get the last name to. It seems unimportant and most only catch the first name, nor remembers such. It may seem trivial at the time but can end up being crucial later. Such as, this may cause hurt feelings even remembering birth dates and special moments that you share to be forgotten as though they are nothing is one of the many things in friendship that is often seen occur. The main focus on this is how well do you truly know your friends and how well do they know you understanding one another's needs should be fairly easy if you truly care for one another.
             Friendship is a two way street and it appears to be often one of the great many things we tend to take for granted, but some believe that this is how friendships are supposed to be! However, forgetting last names (often called name-dropping), for when they are intentionally forgotten. For instance; anything from divulging a secret that is meant to be kept, to dating one of your best-friends past lovers can make primary cause for a fight. .
             Going back to being taken for granted; when one is always prompt and can be supportive of plans and events that are scheduled in advance. However; they are as most people say now a days, "blown off" and often the ones that take this to heart is the people whom is never get credit for their efforts. This can lower ones self worth and feeling of morality towards themselves. Something's that lead to this to turn into a major issue is the fact that they often go unnoticed and are "swept under the rug," so to speak. Perhaps; worse, yet they go never at all are they acknowledged by anyone? Becoming soul dependent upon those that are supposedly your friends in this can lead to low self-esteem. In which an action is taken against one that is never explained nevertheless; is repeated without so much as an explanation being offered.

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