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Claudio Monteverdi

             Claudio Monteverdi is a 16th, 17th Century composer who helped move music in.
             Through his compositions, Monteverdi brought new composing.
             techniques to the world, and helped change the, what was then, traditional genres, and.
             move them through his progressive writing style. Though first, Monteverdi's life must be.
             seen. Knowing were a person has been can greatly help someone, especially an artist.
             Second, of Monteverdi's works, his first five books of madrigals helped to bring in new.
             changes to the music world. Therefore, to see the life, and section of works of a.
             composer, Monteverdi is seen as a great progressive composer of his, and for all time.
             Claudio Monteverdi was born in Cremona1, on May 15, 1567 and died in Venice2.
             on November 29, 1643(Boynick). Monteverdi studied with Ingegneri3, maestro di.
             cappella4 at the Cremona cathedral, and published several books of motets and madrigals.
             before 1591 (Boynick). While under Ingegneri, Monteverdi was groomed carefully, and.
             seemed to have been held back before publishing to make sure of Monteverdi's developing.
             composing skills (Carter, Madrigals and arias 509).In 1591 Monteverdi left for Mantua5.
             to the court of the Duke Vincezo Gonzaga, there serving as a sting player in the court.
             (Boynick). Monteverdi studied under Giaches de Wert, the resident maestro di cappella.
             while in Mantua (Boynick). Monteverdi then met and married Claudia de Cattaneis, a.
             court singer. Claudia bore three children to Monteverdi. Monteverdi later became.
             maestro di cappella succeeding Pallavinco, whom succeeded Giaches (Boynick). To help.
             secure this position, Monteverdi wrote the Duke Gonzaga about this appointment citing.
             that he ".affectionately requested [ the position of maestro di cappella and sought out.
             with humility (Stevens 37). Monteverdi published his first opera Orfeo in Mantua in 1607,.
             followed by Arianna, which contracted remarkable reputation (Carter Lamenting Ariadne.
             395), in 1608 (Boynick).

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