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             Virus- a microscopic particle that invades the cells of plants, animals, fungi, and Bacteria.
             Are viruses really alive? They do have some characteristics of a living thing. .
             Viruses have genetic material, and they are able to evolve. But viruses are not made of cells, they cannot make protein, and they can't use energy. They can't reproduce on there own, only when they occupy a cell. Scientist have concluded that viruses are not alive.
             A typical virus is composed of a core of genetic material surrounded by a coat of protein. The protein protects the genetic material while entering the cell. The virus could travel on a water droplet traveling through the air, when inhaled the virus will attach itself onto a cell by using a clamp. The cell responds by folding its membrane around the virus encasing it into a bubble. The bubble floats around in the cell the clamp breaks off, then the drill on the virus moves into the place of where the clamp was. Then the virus drills through the bubble, now it floats inside the cell to reproduce and infect more cells.

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