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Peregrine Falcons

            The Peregrine falcon .
             Falcons are the most streamlined birds of prey. The Peregrine Falcon has been determined to be the fastest moving animal known to man. It has been calculated that a Peregrine may be able to reach speeds of 250 miles per hour in a vertical stoop, or dive. The Peregrine's ability to reach such speeds are a lot of problems. For example it does not have to be streamlined. The Peregrine Falcon shares its characteristics with 52 other species of falcons in the world. Five of them are found on the east coast, the American Kestrel, the Merlin, the Prairie Falcon, the Gyrfalcon, and the Peregrine Falcon. Falcons have pointed wings and narrow, long tails. They also fly with quick flaps similar to a pigeon. They all hunt the same way diving at their prey from above. The Peregrine's speed makes it a dangerous predator. Prey is caught after a swift dive with nearly closed wings and is either killed in the air by being struck at about half of its top diving speed with the talons or is carried to the ground and killed. They also sweep birds from their perches or from the ground. Peregrines feed mainly on birds but also on mammals such as young rabbits and mice and occasionally amphibians and insects. Because of its size, pigeons are a favorite prey, grouse are often caught and seabirds usually around cliffs. The Peregrine is found all over the world Most often the Peregrine lives in rocky mountain areas or along the coastline on sea cliffs, where its appearance blends in best The most striking characteristic, the main characteristic of the Peregrine, are its heavy, slate-blue to black "sideburns," which probably absorb light so as to minimize the glare from the ground, enabling it to see its prey more clearly. Sometimes they are found in forests, on open plains, and on moors. Peregrines mate for life and use the same nest site year after year.

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