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            Throughout life people hear everyday someone say, "I'm going to kill myself?!" Ironically enough, about 5,000 American teenagers will actually go through with this suicide threat. Teenagers have probably at one point or another contemplate suicide (Chiles 19). The main thing that needs to be realized is that suicide and suicidal attempts are desperate cries for help. Cries which must be answered before getting out of control. A youth attempts suicide every two hours in our country. To take care of the suicide issues in life, everyone must open there eyes and realize it is not a joke. By the lack of love from parents or gaurdians, teens may become suicidal. Being verbally abused by people that are loved by them, teens gain low self-esteems. Once a teen has no self confidence, they start to rely on drugs. Using any substance to heal the pain, and becoming addicted to them. They become reliant on things they don't need, but can't see.

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