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            If you don't like what you see, change the channel.
             As the lights go down on the ring below millions of fans around the world wait in anticipation as the spectacle known as the world wrestling federation to begin. Suddenly the lights come on and rock music pours out of speakers announcing the arrival of one of the stars preparing for a match. Throughout the lengthy interview given several profanities and references to violence are made as the crowd gets riled up. This isn't the same kind of wrestling that dominated areas of the United States in the seventies and the eighties; this is cutting edge, foul mouth, and adrenaline pumping entertainment for the new millennium. .
             Vince McMahon owner of WWFE INC. isn't concerned with the content of show being too risqué or with activist groups threatening to organize protests against his product. He feels that if you don't like what you see on the television all you have to do is change the channel. It is his freedom of expression to give the American public what they want to see as it also the freedom of every American to choose what is viewed. On the company website is a statement that explains the exact stance they have taken regarding the programming. "We at WWFE have families of our own, so we understand how important it is for parents to take an active role in their children's free time. We encourage all parents to help their children select suitable entertainment, and to understand the differences between fantasy and real life.
             Our programs are tailored for teens and young adults, who comprise 50 percent of our audience. About 64 percent of our audience is 18 years of age or older. Some of our viewers are younger children. If parents make the decision to allow their children to watch our programming, we encourage those parents to watch with their children. We urge parents who allow younger children to watch our programming to explain that what our Superstars do on television should not be emulated or attempted in real life (WWFE,n.

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