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Addiction To Cocain

             Imagine this, your lying face down on a street, your shaking uncontrollably, and.
             trying to think what store you could rob to get the money needed for your next fix. Your.
             looking at a possible scenario of a cocaine addict. Cocaine is highly addictive and just one.
             use can suck you in to its horrible lifestyle. In 1997, an estimated 1.5 million Americans.
             were cocaine users. In the following, I"m going to inform you on the instant,.
             psychological, and long term effects, to the human body. Cocaine is a life threatening.
             drug, and this information should be known by all to prevent the future abuse of this drug.
             The effects of cocaine are immediate, extremely pleasurable, and brief. Cocaine.
             produces an intense but short-lived euphoria and can make users feel more energetic. Like.
             caffeine, cocaine produces a feeling of speed and reduces the appetite. Psychological.
             effects include feeling of well-being and a superior sense of power and ability mixed with.
             anxiety and restlessness. As the drug wears off, these temporary sensations of mastery are.
             replaced by a strong depression, and the drug abuser with then come down, becoming.
             abnormally sleepy, and usually sleep for several days.
             Once having tried cocaine, and individual may have difficulty predicting the time in.
             which he or she will continue to use the drug. Cocaine's stimulant releases the dopamine.
             nerve cells throughout the entire body. Dopamine is released as part of the brain's reward.
             system. The drug replaces the brains ability to release this nerve cell on its own and relies.
             entirely on the drug to release them. If this nerve cell is not released the human body.
             becomes confused and goes into a state of withdrawal.
             On a personal note, I remember as a young boy a horrific story about my Mom's.
             niece. She was a young mother and was highly addicted to cocaine. She sold her baby's.
             crib, play pen, high chair, all of the babies furniture, and most of her own to support her.

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