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Baldassare Castiglione

            Baldassare Castiglione was an Italian diplomat, writer, and courtier, and one of the most influential authors in Europe during the Renaissance. He wrote poetry in various genres. Il Libro del Cortegiano, or, The Book of the Courtier, was his most well known work. It is a Renaissance courtesy book, comprised of four sections of dialogues, which describe conversations held at the court of Urbino on four successive nights in 1507. In first book each arrive contribution on there contradicting opinion in a game or form of a play. Each character are Federico Fregoso, Lodovico di Canossa, Bernardo Bibbiena, Giuliano de' Medici, Pietro Bembo, Ottaviano Fregoso, and Emilia Pia, and the hostess, Elisabetta Gonzaga, who acts as the moderator. .
             Book I is describes the desirable qualities of a courtier, his manner, education, physical and mental abilities. Book II is devoted to language and speech, and to the proper way of address in formal and informal social settings. Book III describes female comportment, conduct, and education, and especially focuses on chastity and matter related to love. Book IV examines the role of the ideal courtier in following his duty to the royalty in service to the court and state. It discusses the proper education of the prince, and gives models of the best forms of political organization. The book concludes with a rhapsody on Platonic Love. .
             The Courtier is made up of a series of dialogues, debates on various topics of interest to the courtier who wishes to act on the best possible manner. It begins with great amount detail on setting and on glorious memory's of Duke Federico. It unravel the deeds he did and how his life was notable and never to be forgotten. Then start to explain about his illness and how his ladies where very power in there wisdom. It would be very impressing if anyone could get to the woman of Duchess because she hinders her self away. .
             Then it begins with major satire on principle of being a true professional courtier.

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