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            What is a pedifile? A pedifile is another word for child molester.
             treated as criminals, people with illnesses or both? I believe that pedifiles should be treated.
             as criminals and people with illnesses. .
             They should be treated as criminals because they are doing wrong to harmless.
             children. They should be treated as criminals because they are doing wrong to harmless.
             children. They are sexually abusing children, violating their rights. Therefore they are.
             breaking the law. Most of the population knows right from wrong. Whether or not they can.
             stop themselves from sexually abusing children is another issue at hand. Inside of a pedifiles.
             there is a mental illness at hand. Normal people like you and I would never even think about.
             something so degrading. If a human being has intentions or acts upon child molestation,.
             apparently they have some mental disabilities. There is no excuse for a pedifiles to have sex.
             with a child. They have to have some sort of mental illness for them to think in the fashion.
             but should realize the consequences before they act upon their behavior. I think that pedifiles.
             should be sentenced to prison. During this time I think they should receive mental help form.
             a counselor from inside the prison. If a pedifile just gets sentenced to a mental facility they.
             wouldn't be in there for long time and a lesson wouldn't be learned. As for if they were.
             sentenced to both prison and mental help at the same time. It would show them punishment.
             and find out why they have a mental illness and get therapy for it. Last but not least,.
             pedifiles shouldn't just be sent to prison because they will just do time and when they.
             eventually get out the problem is still there. They should have to go through both.

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