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Reducing Repeat Sexual Assault

            The risk that women who have been sexually assaulted will be assaulted again is 35 times greater than that of other women. Few researches have studied why this trend occurs, and of their work is limited to college students. Vera researches have set out to try and fill this gap by conducting research among women in New York and Seattle who have been sexually assaulted. They will then try and use this data to test a prevention program to help women reduce their likelihood of becoming repeat victims.
             Research among college students has shown that women with a history of sexual assault are slower to detect and respond to clues that they may be entering a dangerous situation. However this does not imply at all that sexual assault victims are in any way responsible for their assault, but women could benefit from knowledge and skills that they can use to reduce the probability that they will be assaulted again. Programs used to increase victims" knowledge about sexual assault, teach them strategies for thwarting unwanted sexual advances, promote their assertiveness, and strengthen their communication skills were found to be helpful. Researchers found that among college women those that attended the program were less likely to be assaulted after two months.
             The first part of the new study that branches away from the way old studies have been conducted will take 40 women and interview them to identify factors associated with repeat sexual victimization. Using this new information in combination with what's known about the prevention programs that have been tailored to college students the researchers will develop a new intervention that will help women reduce their risk both during counseling and once counseling has completed. This new method will be targeted at a greater audience allowing more women of different age groups to be helped.
             The project will then be ready to begin its second phase where Vera and its partners will then begin using this new technique with women who are receiving counseling services at Safe Horizon and Harborview Medical Center.

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