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             In William Shakespeare's bloody tragedy Macbeth, a play that takes place in Scotland, ambition is reflected as in today's society. Humans are tempted to follow what they feel or what they want, but people tend to be more control by the ambitions they have. Macbeth, the main- the main character of the play-is ambitious for something that is impossible to obtain. Most of the times people can not control their ambition, and when the ambition is greater than their mental control(as Macbeth's) they do atrocities. Ambition is one most important element of humans tragedies because the ambition makes humans to think blindly, it opens a door in their heart that is hard to close, and the ambition-influenced by someone else-destroys their lives.
             When people have ambitions they do not see other things that can obstruct them to get what they want. For some people, the ambition is like a commitment because they fight until death for it. This case can be seen in Macbeth's life; Macbeth says" The prince of Cumberland! That is a step/On which I must fall down or else o"erleap, / for in my way it lies"(29,1.4,55-57). Macbeth becomes blind by the ambition of becoming king and he says that that position corresponds to him anyways. The ambition erases human's good way of obtaining thing, instead, it gives to humans, blind thoughts making them no to see the consequences they may face. .
             As Macbeth's desire of becoming king increases, he becomes more hypocrite, and that is because the ambition reigns in his life now. Once Macbeth opens the door to the ambition, the ambition will not come out easily. People can not notice Macbeth's ambition because the ambition gives two faces to him, and from now on, the ambition will take control of his mind and feelings. "I am settled and bend up each corporal agent to this terrible feat"(45,1.7,92-93). Macbeth is being control by the ambition that reigns in his heart.

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